At Tec Container, we never stop innovating and breaking new ground with new product offerings. Today we are proud to introduce the brand-new spreader for handling pipes BA-318. This spreader can easily turn any reach stackers into a pipe-handling powerhouse. Please check out this video showing this spreader in operation:
Characteristics of the BA-318 Pipe Spreader:
- Power: electrically supplied by the upper spreader and it is autonomous thanks to its own batteries
- Max load capacity: 30t
- Tare Weight: 15t
- It can be picked up by any reach stackers
- Maximum length of pipes to be handled: 14 metres
- Minimum length of tubes to handle: 10 metres
- It is highly customisable with different sizes and configurations to suit client needs
The BA-318 pipe spreader is equipped with the following features:
- Sensors to facilitate simple and safe handling
- Light and sound system that can indicate the real time position of each tube
- Guides to help positioning and handling of the tubes and pipes